[Work in Progress] Alexander Sergienko. Root suppletion in Ishkashimi: morphology and phonology

Когда: (московское время, UTC+3) // иранистический семинар

The talk explores past stem alternations in Ishkashimi. First, I examine the regular verbs. They have two different past allomorphs (d and ǝd), and I claim that this distinction cannot be fully explained by phonology; therefore, ǝ can be treated as a theme vowel. Next, there is a class of verbs showing weak suppletion. The patterns of vowel and consonant changes are not automatic, so they are also treated as part of the morphology component of the grammar.

Alexander Sergienko is a PhD student at Université Paris Cité.
The talk will only be available via Zoom; we are planning to record the talk. Please join the Iranistics Google group, where various topics related to Iranian languages are discussed and announcements are made.